The Union App is the meeting management app for admin and members of the company. This app consists of two app solution: the web admin application and the mobile app (for admins and members). By using the web application of the union app, the administrator can schedule meetings and send requests to the company’s members.
Client Requirements
Managing a large number of members and coordinating meetings and accommodations manually can indeed be a challenging task. Initially the client was managing most of his operation offline. To streamline the process and reduce time, operating costs, implementing a digital solution can be highly beneficial.
Here are client requirements to address the mentioned issues:
- They need an app that should be developed using flutter.
- Application should target the ios and android devices .
- The Presentation Layer will be developed using libraries UI widgets libraries of Flutter.
- Hosting of the web server and database will be deployed on Amazon.
- Amazon S3 will be used for storage of images, videos and other media files .
- The business logic is controlled and managed by a pattern called Get-X.

Solution We Offered to Our Client
We communicated with the client, he was very clear with his idea and explained his target goal to build a Meeting management system . That information helped us to understand his idea and we initiated building an app for his company. After understanding all the requirements, our development team got to know that the entire Meeting management solution needs to be developed for admin and members of the company. Therefore, to address the challenges faced by the concerned company, BabySoft Software developed a custom solution consisting of a Admin Web application and a mobile app for both IOS and Android devices.
This solution will cater to the needs of the admin staff as well as members of the company. web admin panel for the admin to manage the entire operation. The web admin application and mobile app will be integrated, allowing seamless communication and data synchronization between the two platforms.
This solution will enable efficient meeting management, facilitate better communication between the admin and members, streamline accommodation and meal arrangements, and provide media content for members to view. It also provide chat facility and partner information for members.
Challenges We Faced
The only challenge faced by our QA team was testing for the timezone compatibility. It’s important to ensure that the app’s features, such as scheduling and notifications, work properly regardless of the user’s location or time zone.
To resolve this, we used testing tools that simulate different time zones and geographic locations, as well as manual testing with real users in different regions.
Apart from this, we didn’t face any technical challenges while integrating major features. As we have already developed several on-demand app solutions for our clients, we have the expertise with the latest technologies to develop a well-functioning website as per our client’s requirements.

Technology used





Here’s an outline of the expanded features and functionality
- User Management: The admin can create and manage user accounts for the staff and members.
- Meeting Creation: The admin can create meetings through the web application, setting agendas and specifying required attachments.
- Meeting Requests: The admin can send meeting requests to specific members, including the meeting agenda and attachment requirements.
- Accommodation Management: Members can fill in accommodation details, such as the mode of transportation used and facility requirements after reaching the meeting city (e.g., bus, cab, parking).
- Meal Preferences: Members can indicate their meal preferences, including options for vegan, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, and Halal meals.
- Media Management: The admin can add photos and videos of meetings using the web application, providing visual content for members to access.
- Chat Management: Admin can interact with the members of the company using chatbox.
- Meeting Notifications: Members will receive notifications on their mobile devices for meeting requests and updates.
- Meeting Attendance: Admin staff can take attendance using the QR code of members’ accounts.
- Calendar: Members can view upcoming meetings scheduled in the calendar feature.
- Meeting Details: Upon accepting a meeting request, members can access the meeting agenda, attachment requirements, and other relevant meeting details.
- Accommodation Details: Members can provide information about their travel plans, including the mode of transportation they plan to use.
- Facility Selection: After reaching the meeting city, members can select the facilities they require, such as bus, cab, or parking.
- Meal Selection: Members can indicate their meal preferences and dietary requirements through the mobile app.
- Media Viewing: Members can access photos and videos of meetings added by the admin through the mobile app.
- News and Media: The admin can add and delete news and media through the web application, and members can view them in the mobile app.
- Partner Management: The admin can add partners to the platform, and members can access partner information through the mobile app.
- Chats: Members can ask questions to the admin staff.
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